Half Guard LegLock Attack!
How Would You Go from Half Guard into Leglock Attacks?
This is Min-ju (AKA Senpai) with Way Of BJJ.
At Way Of BJJ, we believe this is the best way to study and train jiu-jitsu so you can level up faster.
We can make this claim however we want. But the proof is in the pudding. That is why I am here to share exactly how I am using the Way Of BJJ right now to help myself get better at BJJ.
As John Danaher said in an interview. The best way to get better at BJJ is through honest self-assessment.
And nothing is more honest than filming yourself. All you need are willing training partners, your phone, and a cheap tripod.
A really good way to make film study more efficient is to film your Positional Sparring rounds.
If you are new to jiu-jitsu. Positional sparring means that you spar from a specific position that you want to work on.
For instance, if you want to work on Half Guard, then you would start the round from half guard. And reset every time an agreed-upon outcome manifests.
This way, you can focus on getting a lot of live repetitions out of that specific position and be able to efficiently analyze what worked and what didn't.
And that is exactly what I did.
I have decided to start studying and analyzing my half guard game. So with the help of my training partner, Mike, I recorded our half guard positional sparring rounds.
A really cool feature that we have built into the Way Of BJJ APP is that you can simply upload the entire video onto YouTube, which is free and secure, and you can easily time-stamp the exact clips that you want within the APP itself.
This way, I can easily create multiple techniques and sequences

I first started by isolating and analyzing my half guard entry into a double outside ashi.
While it worked in my favour during this sparring footage, from past experience I know that sometimes I get squashed or have my back taken from the DOA position, so I would like to find a way to get into safer or more dominant leg attack positions.
Initially, I thought Backside 50/50 would be great. And I was also able to find a clip of Craig Jones, a very accomplished grappler, going from half guard into Backside 50/50 in competition.
I can easily put the clip of my sparring round side by side with the clip of Craig Jones hitting the move, all within the Way Of BJJ APP.
This makes video study very efficient as the APP keeps everything in one place and connects the dots for you.
Furthermore, we have also built in another layer, called the "overview", into each sequence that you create.
In this case, I found an in-depth 30 minute video of Michael Currier teaching the backside 50/50 position in detail.
Now that I have got all the angles covered. I have a clip of myself, a clip of a world class competitor, and a longer video of a world class instructor teaching the position.
Of course, video study doesn't replace a great in person instructor.
Luckily, my instructor, Lucas Wilhan of Lapel Arts, is as good as they come!
I asked him how he would go about attacking the leg from half guard, and he showed me how he would go to ashi garami first, and go to backside 50/50 if the opponent turns away.
Normally, when you ask your instructor for help, there really isn't a way to document and organize it. But Way Of BJJ solves that issue.
I was able to easily record what he did, and put that right into the APP.

So just from this very short amount of time spent, I was able to take away a lot of very beneficial points:
- If going for the Double Outside Ashi, the ankle lock grip gives better control and prevents the back take.
- If the opponents reacts to it then go for the regular ashi garami first to threaten the heelhook
- If the opponent starts to turn, then push him/her away in the armpits to expose the backside 50/50
Now it is time to play around with these new information for a bit, record more sparring rounds, and then update the video in the APP for further studies.
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