If you are on this page, then that means you want to get your hands on the Way of BJJ APP.  So go ahead and grab your spot.  Just choose you device type below:

    By Joining Us Now, You Will Get Immediate Access to Way Of BJJ APP, But ALSO:

    • Get the BEST Price that will EVER be offered
    • Get Legendary Way of BJJ Original Grapplers Status so EVERYONE knows you helped shape the future of BJJ learning
    • Get to tell us what awesome features you want to see in our upcoming full release in the New Year
    • not to mention you will be supporting an innovative BJJ company that has set out to change the entire industry

    Way Of BJJ is Designed to:

    • Bring an entirely new way to train Jiu-Jitsu for Faster Progression and Less Frustration
    • Hack your existing habits to gain supreme motivation to train jiu-jitsu Forever
    • Develop a unique way to think of your game that instantly improves your game without even stepping on the mat
    • Quickly add what you've learned after class so you retain everything you have learned and never get confused again
    • Automatically organize your Jiu-Jitsu knowledge so you spend LESS time searching and MORE time training
    • Access to high-level instruction in the Dojo with TOP instructors added all the time so you spend LESS money but gain MORE value
    • Easily coordinate with partners on focused training so you get the BEST training session possible
    • See your Jiu-Jitsu progress as it develops in real time so you NEVER lose your passion and motivation for jiu-jitsu

    This app will help us all develop our skills in ways we haven't even though of yet.

    The app... honestly, it's fantastic!  I was kinda blown away when you guys showed it to me.

    -- Nabil Salameh, 10th Planet Black Belt
    Nabil Salameh

    Now I know it... Its 100% the best!

    -- Mika Acosta, White Belt 7mo
    Mika Acosta, White Belt 7mo

    Gain Legendary Status as a Way Of BJJ Original Grappler

    When you Pre Order your 1 year subscription to Way Of BJJ:

    • You will receive the legendary Way Of BJJ Original Grappler title
    • No one else will EVER have this, it's only for our early supporters
    • This will give you the OG title and badge on your Way of BJJ profile
    • The admiration of every other member for helping make this all possible
    • Our eternal gratitude for supporting our vision of making jiu-jitsu training better for everyone

    But there is MORE:

    • The Way Of BJJ OG title will also give you "skip the line" access to all future Way Of BJJ events and offers (private seminars, tournaments and more!)
    • AND while you're skipping the line you'll enjoy 20% off tickets and merch from Way Of BJJ and participating partners

    This is the best price we will ever offer...

    With pricing on BJJ instructional ranging from $50 to $300 CAD and simple online lesson sites charging $33/month CAD, we will also be charging around $33/month CAD in the New Year.

    With Way of BJJ, not only are you getting our revolutionary platform to build and organize your own game, you will also be getting ALL the instuctionals from world class instructors that we will be constantly adding.  All within our Dojo.

    But for the early supporters, you will just be paying  $257 CAD for a 1-year subscription. 

    This breaks down to just $21 per month.

    We can guarantee that this will be the best price we will ever offer. 

    Get Early Access 1 Year Pre-Order for just



    And of course, we appreciate your trust in us!  So that is why if at any time you feel like we are not delivering on our promises, you can ask for a full refund, no questions asked. 

    Your Early Access is Essentially FREE

    While we're working on App Store approval for Apple and Android, we can allow 100 users on the platform.

    That means the first 100 subscribers will get access to the platform right away

    BUT Your Subscription Won't Officially Start Until Full Release in 2023

    Now we only have one question...

    Which device do you use?