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Fragmentation Problem | Overwhelm Problem | Consistency Problem
APP Reveal Part 3: How We Are Solving the Consistency Problem
In this video we discuss the most important problem in jiu-jitsu: The Consistency Problem. Why is it so hard to physically train jiu-jitsu consistently year after year? Why do so many people take year long breaks?
Apart from consistent physical training, it is also really hard to THINK about jiu-jitsu in a consistent manner to adapt all the techniques we learn into actual skills and concepts that we can use to get better faster.
Watch this video to find out how the Way of BJJ APP is designed to solve this central problem.
Do you recognize the "Consistency Problem" in your own training? Does being aware of it help you think about ways to be consistent?
Well, this is it for our APP reveal! Get on the Way of BJJ platform and let's take BJJ learning into the future.
In the mean time, comment below to let us know what you think of this! Or just to ask us any questions you might have!
The app looking amazing 👏. Can't wait 2 improve my Bjj with having this as a resource.
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