APP Tutorial: Editing Movements
Step 1: Enter Edit Mode
Begin by accessing the builder menu; tap on "Build" and then select "Edit" to enter edit mode. When the "Edit" icon is highlighted in ORANGE, you are in edit mode.
Step 2: Select and Edit Movements
In edit mode, tap the white movement circle you want to edit. The "heading" field will display the movement's name. Remember, only WHITE dots are editable; GREEN dots are presets and cannot be changed. To rename the movement, tap the heading field. To scroll within the movement pop-up, tap inside the box and drag up or down as needed.
Step 3: Attach a Video
- Tap on "Action" and locate the URL field.
- Go to YouTube and find the video you want to attach.
- Tap on "Share" and then select "Copy Link."
Step 4: Set Video Duration
Once you've pasted the video link in the URL field, hit "DONE." The video will display at the top. To scroll, tap outside the dotted line and drag. If you're satisfied, no further action is needed. For specific starting points, drag the video to your desired spot, then tap the RIGHT FACING arrow (A) to set the beginning. If you want the entire video, no additional steps are necessary. To set an endpoint, drag to your chosen spot and tap the LEFT FACING arrow (B). Pay attention to these details for precise video editing.
Step 5: Breakdown and Notes
Under "Breakdown," attach a second video using the same process. In the "Notes" section, you can add any additional information about the movement.
Step 6: Save and Navigate
Once you've finished editing the movement, be sure to tap on "SAVE" to save your changes. To close any menu, tap the downward facing arrow. After editing, simply tap on the movement itself to view the first attached "Action" video.
Step 7: Info and Breakdown
To access the notes you've typed in, tap on "Info". If you've attached a second video under "Breakdown", tap on "BREAK" to watch it.
What's next? Click HERE to learn how to navigate the APP and use the Training Room and Game features